Daily Archives: April 30, 2009

Current events, or one little piggy


I thought this was going to be sweet, wholesome and somewhat poignant. Y'know, like most classic winnie. Sigh.


via thedailywhat

Tonight, or the Circus is in town

So Britney’s Circus tour is in town tonight.

You know what that means, parents. Lock up your kids, cause the gays will be out with a vengeance. And this time, they’re not effing around.

Hopefully problems like this one, a wardrobe malfunction from dress rehearsal, have been long remedied. I’m sure there will be a lot of men of a certain persuasion that would not be excited to see Britney’s ladyparts:

via honeymag.com

Wow, or nightmares

One of the scurriest damn things I done saw in a coon’s age.


Coincidentally, I’m stoked for 30Rock tonight. I may or may not lizz.

via notesfromtheundervault

FTW, or Buy buy buy

I saw an image of this last week and now it turns out they’re turning it into a shirt.

I want one real bad.

and I just cant hide it

and I just can't hide it

Via mikemonteiro
